Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I still can't seem to keep up with my posts.  Things have been pretty crazy around here with the holidays.  Then Gus and Audrey both got sick with Croup.  Nobody has had a good nights sleep in this house since last Thursday.  I may not be good at blogging, but I'm pretty good at excuses. 

So anyway, I was going to post all of our Christmas pics today.  It was going to be a big post full of our little cherubs enjoying lots of Christmas goodness.  But my camera is missing.  I'm 99.99% positive it's in this house somewhere.  If only I could figure where.  I found my camera cord.  But no camera.  Looks like I also found another excuse.

I think my camera got lost on Friday when I was rearranging the house.  As a growing family, we realized that we were not really optimizing all the space in our house.  So I decided it was time for a change.
Before: we had a lovely formal living room that nobody used except when we had company, and a comfy but hard to heat and cool, not to mention very crowded family/TV room where we spent all of our time;
After: we have a comfy living room that is not very formal and has a TV in it; and a toy room that is only a toy room.  Hopefully soon I'll also have some cash from selling my old living room stuff.
I would love to post some pictures, but at some point in this process, it seems that I misplaced my camera.  Yep, I believe that was another excuse (or maybe that was the same excuse as the last one).  Hopefully it will turn up soon.

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