Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day in the Life of Gus 4.15.2011

DITLO Gus - Prepared for the June '10 Birthboard

Good morning Mommy!
Milk :)
Happy boy!

Spending time with Daddy

Diaper change time
Off I go

Getting dressed
Time to take Audrey to school

Shopping at Target with Mom
Home again and time for nap with my Ellie

Oh mom, why did you have to wake me up?

We picked up Audrey and stayed to play at preschool

Lunch time

I'll help you clean up mom
No thank you Gussie :)
I love to read with my big sister

What do you mean it's nap time again.  Boo!
Now it's time for Mom's favorite nap time activity - reading on the porch
I'm up again Mom
Playing on Mom's bed
(Picture's taken by Audrey - not bad for a four year old)

Big Sis is headed out to a birthday party with Dad.  Yeah, I get Mom all to myself!
First we'll have dinner
Broccoli is my favorite

After dinner I'll have my bath

Got my jammies on and I'm ready to snuggle. 
Can't forget to read my favorite book.