Sunday, October 3, 2010

My cousin's wedding

(I'm a little late posting this).  My cousin Scott got married last weekend.  I was a very lax photographer.  I didn't even get any pictures of the bride and groom (they were lovely), or the ceremony (it was beautiful).  But I did manage to snap a few shots.  Enjoy!

Will and Audrey enjoying the sunshine
Gussie with Pop-pop
My brother and dad
Dad and Mary (step-mom, Gram-Mary)
My cousin Josh's wife and my dear friend Jamie with baby Gus
My dad with Gus and my Uncle Steve with his grandson Wade (Josh and Jamie's baby)
Grandma with her two great-grandsons Gus and Wade (the girls didn't feel like having their picture taken)


On Saturday we went to the Zoo with my friends Christina, Amy and Stephanie.  Amy and Stephanie brought their kiddos Madison, Colin and Peyton.  It was a lot of fun!